SODA 5km Products


The cloud and aerosols optical depths at 5km, based on the Level 2 CALIOP 5km layers products. It is an averaging of SODA_AOD products, but discriminated by cloud and aerosol scenes using the CALIOP 05kmClay and 05kmALay scenes classifications.

File Naming Convention


<Version>A 3 digits dot separated version number as X.X.X
<Orbit-Timestamp>The timestamp of the orbit, using the CALIPSO format YYYY-MM-SSTHH-MM-SSZ[DN]
<Year>The year, on 4 digits
<Month>The month, on 2 digits starting from « 01 »
<Day/Night-Flag>A D or N character that tells if the processed orbits are Day or Night ones
<Scenes-ID>Type of scenes processed. Sc_All means no scenes filtering



Feature_Classification_FlagsFeature_Classification_FlagsNoUnitsuint16Scene Identification flag
0 : Invalid
1 : Clear
2 : Cloud
3 : Aerosol
4 : Mixte
At this time, nothing can be done to distinguish between Invalid and Clear scenes
Optical_Depth_532_AerosolOptical_Depth_532_AerosolNoneint32-327685km Averaged Optical Depth retrieved from CALIPSO/CLOUDSAT at 532nm for Aerosol Scenes without thin clouds contamination
Optical_Depth_532_CloudOptical_Depth_532_CloudNoneint32-327685km Averaged Optical Depth retrieved from CALIPSO/CLOUDSAT at 532nm for Thin Cloud Scenes and mixted scenes thin clouds + aerosols
Optical_Depth_1064_AerosolOptical_Depth_1064_AerosolNoneint32-327685km Averaged Optical Depth retrieved from CALIPSO/CLOUDSAT at 1064nm for Aerosol Scenes without thin clouds contamination
Optical_Depth_1064_CloudOptical_Depth_1064_CloudNoneint32-327685km Averaged Optical Depth retrieved from CALIPSO/CLOUDSAT at 1064nm for Thin Cloud Scenes and mixted scenes thin clouds + aerosols
QA_Flag_AerosolQA_Flag_Aerosolpercentuint8255Quality Flag for Aerosol optical depth retrievals : percentage of 333m aerosol scenes averaged at 5km
QA_Flag_CloudQA_Flag_Cloudpercentuint8255Quality Flag for Cloud optical depth retrievals : percentage of 333m cloud scenes averaged at 5km
Scene_FlagsScene_FlagsNoneuint8255Flag indicating which algorithm has be used for the aerosol retrieval
0 : Undefined
1 : over ocean, clear sky
2 : over liquid water cloud
At this time, only retrievals issued of the ocean algorithm are used


Some of the variables are calibrated to an integer format for saving disk space. For every variables, you will find 2 standard SDS attributes called « scale_factor » and « add_offset ». Most of time, the standard HDF formula for scaling raw file values to physical ones is used :

science_value = ( raw_file_value – add_offset ) * scale_factor


5km Cloud and Aerosols Optical Depth of Night Orbit starting on Aug. 01 2007 at 00:10:17 UTCSODA_AOD-5km_v1.0.1_2007-08-01T00-10-17ZN.hdf
5km Cloud and Aerosols Optical Depth of Day Orbit starting on Aug. 01 2007 at 00:10:17 UTCSODA_AOD-5km_v1.0.1_2007-08-01T00-56-47ZD.hdf

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