
New insights into cloud microphysical processes from combined POLDER-MODIS Level-2 observations « PM-L2 » – March 2020

The second paper by Van Diedenhoven et al (JGR, 2020) provides a global assessment of collocated cloud-top ice size, shape and scattering properties observations, again derived from the synergistic use of POLDER and MODIS observations (Illustration 2). It is shown that the ice scattering asymmetry parameters are found to decrease with increasing effective radius, contrary to […]


2nd announcement 3rd International A-Train Symposium 18-21 April 2017, Pasadena Convention Center, California

The 705-km Afternoon (A-Train) Satellite Constellation brings together a rich array of instruments to better understand Earth’s changing climate and environment. The 3rd International Symposium on the A-Train Satellite Constellation is an opportunity to learn more about the evolving capabilities of the A-Train system, and to engage other colleagues with similar interests. To see the […]


POLDER/PARASOL full reprocessing and new multi-sensor synergistic products – April 2017

At the end of the PARASOL mission, CNES completed the final reprocessing of Level-1 data in 2014. ICARE completed the reprocessing of the PARASOL Level-2 and Level-3 products in 2015, using revised science codes as well as new codes provided by the French science team at LOA (University of Lille). In addition to the HDF5 […]


Release of PARASOL-MODIS unique synergy products

Besides improvements brought to the standard POLDER/PARASOL Level-2 science codes (see below), a new science code has been developed, tested and validated. This code, named PM-L2, is based on the synergy between POLDER/PARASOL and MODIS/Aqua observations. Products are generated and distributed since April 2016. The output data sets are in the same grid as PARASOL […]


All PARASOL data sets now available in HDF format

Update: 2016/09 for v1.01All PARASOL data products, starting from Level-1, are now available in HDF format (see online archive):L1_B-HDF: v1.01 – Top of the atmosphere radiances – Level-1OC2-HDF: v1.01 – Daily aerosol product over ocean – Level-2LS2-HDF: v1.01 – Daily aerosol product over land – Level-2RB2-HDF: v1.01 – Daily cloud, water vapor, and radiative budget – Level-2OC3-HDF: v1.01 […]


Full reprocessing of PARASOL data archive with new data sets available

Update: 2016/09After the end of the PARASOL mission, CNES and ICARE completed a full-mission reprocessing in 2014. CNES carried out the final Level-1 PARASOL reprocessing using an improved algorithm incorporating all final in-flight radiometric calibration parameters (CNES document PARASOL_L1_final_reprocessing.pdf ). ICARE proceeded with the reprocessing of the PARASOL Level-2 and Level-3 products using revised science codes as […]
