ICARE ACTRIS Pinboard Visualization Tool
Location: Madrid

Athens Barcelona Belsk Bucharest Puy-De-Dome Evora Granada Lille Madrid Palaiseau Potenza Lecce Leipzig Thessaloniki Athens Barcelona Belsk Bilthoven Bucharest Cabauw Evora Garmisch-Partenkirchen Granada Hamburg Ispra L'Aquila Lecce Leipzig Lille Linköping Madrid Maisach Minsk München Napoli Neuchatel Oxylithos Payerne Potenza Sofia Saint Michel Thessaloniki

Select one active site or region (in green) on the map to browse all data sets available at that location

    Grab a block and move it up or down to re-order data sets.
    Add or remove data set blocks at will.
    A data set selection menu appears in each block - Any of the available data sets can be selected in each block.