Projects at ICARE
The products and services offered by the ICARE Data and Services Center are developed in the framework of various projects listed in the page. Projects belong to 3 different categories:
- ICARE is the scientific ground segment of several satellite missions (PARASOL, CALIPSO, and Megha-Tropiques)
- ICARE participates to several collaborative national and european institutional projects
- ICARE provides specific assistance to individual users through a permanent call for projects (French only)
Satellite scientific ground segments
Mission: PARASOL ICARE documentation: Parasol mission web site Project home page: Documentation in progress |
Mission: CALIPSO ICARE documentation: CALIPSO mission web site Project home page at CNES: Project home page at NASA: Project home page at NASA/LaRC: Documentation in progress |
Mission: Megha-Tropiques ICARE documentation: Megha-Tropiques mission web site Project home page at CNES: Project home page at ISRO: French mission group home page: Documentation in progress |
European Projects
Name: ESA CCI Aerosol Short description: Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol) Evaluation of existing satellite aerosol products using reference ground-based observations and intercomparison of the satellite products in order to ascertain the products overall quality and suggest improvements. The objective is to propose suitable aerosol products and an adequate production system to generate Essential Climate Variables (ECV). Coordinating partner: DLR/FMI Participants: ICARE, DLR, FMI, UO, RAL, SU, UB, LOA, KNMI, BIRA, HYGEOS, FUB, PSI, NILU, MPI, MetNo Duration: 2011-2013 Funding: ESA CCI ICARE’s contribution: Distribution of PARASOL (LOA) and MERIS ALAMO (HYGEOS) aerosol products. Other services to the CCI partners: data center for all CCI Aerosol, development of tools to facilitate products visualization, intercomparison and sampling around validation sites. Archive and distribution of official CCI Aerosol product (AATSR/ATSR2) ICARE documentation: CCI Project home page: Geographic coverage: Global scale Time coverage:1997-2012 Scientific area: Climate Change |
Name: MACC-II Short description: Monitoring atmospheric composition and climate – Second phase MACC-II is the current pre-operational GMES Atmosphere Service and provides continuity and refinement of the atmospheric services provided by MACC. MACC-II provides data records and forecasts of atmospheric constituents. Coordinating partner: ECMWF Participants: MACC-II is a consortium of 36 members Duration: October 2011 – July 2014 Funding: EU FP7 Data types: Satellite, in-situ, ground-based data of greenhouse and reactive gases, aerosols, ozone, UV radiation, solar energy ICARE’s contribution: Collect and process (when applicable) satellite aerosol data (SEVIRI, CALIOP), archive and distribution. Adapt aerosol product to fit MACC requirement for assimilation in global atmospheric composition models. ICARE documentation: MACC Project home page: Geographic coverage: Global and Europe Time coverage: Sept. 2009 to present Scientific area: Operational forecasting of European air quality, global atmospheric composition, climate forcing |
Name: MACC Short description: Monitoring atmospheric composition and climate MACC is the pilot core GMES/Copernicus Atmospheric Service. The atmospheric services provided by MACC include data records and forecasts of atmospheric constituents in preparation for GMES/Copernicus. Coordinating partner: ECMWF Participants: MACC is a consortium of 45 partners Duration: June 2009 – December 2011 ICARE’s contribution: Archive and distribute SEVIRI aerosol products processed at ICARE, and adapt format to MACC requirements for global assimilation. ICARE documentation: MACC Project home page: Time coverage: Sept. 2009 to present Geographic coverage: SEVIRI coverage (Europe, Africa and the Atlantic Ocean) Scientific area: Operational forecasting of European air quality, global atmospheric composition, climate forcing |
Name: ACTRIS Short description: Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network ACTRIS aims at integrating European ground-based stations collecting observations of aerosols, clouds, and short-lived gas-phase species and at providing long-term data records Coordinating partner: CNR-IMAA/CNRS-LGGE/CNRS-LaMP Participants: A consortium of 28 european partners Associated networks or projects: Encompasses the ORAURE observation networks, and EUSAAR, EARLINET, CLOUDNET, and a new trace gas network component Duration: April 2011 – March 2015 Funding: European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (EU FP7) ICARE’s contribution: Collect ground-based and in-situ observations of aerosols data from French ACTRIS partners and act as the interface with the ACTRIS Data Center. Develop softwares to facilitate data access, data use and combination with satellite observations. Project home page: Geographic coverage: Europe Scientific area: Ground-based observations of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases |
French National and Regional Projects
ORAURE | Name: ORAURE Short description: French observing networks on aerosols / French aerosol observation networks for Environmental Research The SOERE ORAURE aims at pooling and standardize French observations on aerosols from in-situ, ground or space networks, carried out by several universities, INSU or CNES institutions. Coordinating partner: LOA (CNRS/Lille1) Participants: ICARE, LOA, IPSL/SIRTA, LA, LaCy, LaMP, LATMOS/IPSL, LGGE, LMD/IPSL, LSCE/IPSL, EMD, OPE Associated networks: ACTRIS (EUSAAR and EARLINET), AERONET, EMEP, GAW, NDAAC Duration: May 2011 – May 2015 ICARE’s contribution: Ground-based and in-situ atmospheric data collection, implementation and standardization of the data processing, synergy with satellite data Project home page: Scientific area: Aerosols characterization from ground-based, in-situ and satellite aerosol observations |
ROSEA | Name: ROSEA ICARE documentation: Documentation in progress |
Name: ChArMEx Short description: Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment The objective of the ChArMEx project is to provide a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate. Coordinating partner: CEA/LSCE/LISA Participants: 30 French laboratories and bilateral actions with 9 Mediterranean countries Duration: 2010-2014 Funding: INSU, ADEME, CEA, CNES, Météo-France, several Universities and bilateral projects ICARE’s contribution: SEVIRI data collection, processing into aerosol products, archive and distribution. Interface the ICARE online archive with the MISTRALS gateway. Development of tools and production of statistics and time series of SEVIRI aerosol products and TRMM precipitation products ChArMEx database: Geographic coverage: the Mediterranean Scientific area: Monitoring the atmosphere gaseous reactive species and aerosols in the Mediterranean – Satellite, ground-based, ans in-situ measurements od aerosols |
Name: Equipex IAOOS Short description: Ice Atmosphere, Artic Ocean Observing System IAOOS main objectives are to deploy and maintain an integrated system collecting observations (ocean, sea-ice, snow, atmosphere) in the Arctic in real time. Coordinating partner: UMPC (LOCEAN/LATMOS) Participants: ICARE, CNRS/INSU, IPEV, NKE, CIMEL Duration: February 2011 – December 2019 ICARE’s contribution: Ground-based atmospheric data collection, processing, archive and distribution Project home page: Geographic coverage: the Arctic Scientific area: Monitoring climate change in the Arctic using buoy-based measurements of the ocean, the atmosphere, and the ice sheet |
Support to various Research Projects
DARDAR | Name: DARDAR Short description: The objective of the DARDAR ( raDAR/liDAR ) project is to retrieve cloud properties by combining the CloudSat radar and the CALIPSO lidar measurements. The released products include a multi-sensor extractions colocated with the RADAR footprints, a CALIPSO/CLOUDSAT combined vertical categorisation mask, and cloud variables retrieved from RADAR/LIDAR measurements ICARE documentation: |
SODA | Name: SODA Short description: Synergized Optical Depth of Aerosols The objective is to retrieve the aerosols optical depth over the ocean based on a combination of CALIPSO’s CALIOP, CLOUDSAT’s CPR and AMSRE measurements. The product suite includes the optical depth at the CALIPSO/CALIOP 333m native horizontal resolution, a 5km-averaged optical depth provided with a thin-cloud/aerosol separation, and a Level-3 2.5-degree monthly mean product ICARE documentation: |
AEROSEVIRI | Name: AEROSEVIRI Short description: The purpose of the AEROSEVIRI project is to provide the scientific community with an estimate of optical thickness of aerosols over sea and their Angstrom coefficient (related to the particle size distribution), retrieved from SEVIRI on MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) measurements. ICARE documentation: |
AIRS-LMD | Name: AIRS-LMD Short description: Cloud properties and cloud classification products. The AIRS-LMD product is a global climatology of cloud properties using AIRS observations from 2003 to 2009. It contributed to the GEWEX cloud assessment. Coordinating partner: IPSL/LMD Participants: IPSL/LMD, ICARE ICARE’s contribution: Level-2 AIRS-LMD cloud data collection, data format convertion, archive and distribution Project home page: Geographic coverage: Global scale Time coverage: 2003 – 2009 Scientific area: Cloud characterization from satellite observations (AIRS) |
CALXTRACT | Name: CALXTRACT Short description: Multisensor subsetting along the CALIPSO substrack ICARE documentation: |
SYNTHECLOUD | Name: SYNTHECLOUD Short description: Monthly syntheses of various cloud variables ICARE documentation: |
Additional resources
(in French)