Reading a NetCDF file with Python, Matlab and R
Language/Format: MATLAB
Description: This page gives pieces of code to read data in a NetCDF file
Author(s): Aminata NDIAYE (ICARE)
ICARE wrote several tutorials on common subjects of interest. They are all listed on this page. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support team.
Language/Format: MATLAB
Description: This page gives pieces of code to read data in a NetCDF file
Author(s): Aminata NDIAYE (ICARE)
For security reason, we are abandoning the FTP protocol in favor of SFTP on our distribution server. Depending of the way you are using this service, you can have to change the commands you are used to. Note that not all applications support the SFTP protocol, and some additional tools may need to be installed […]
Language/Format: Python
Description: For manipulating a figure build with matplotlib, it is sometimes requested to convert it in a format understandable by other python libraries. This can be useful for using scipy image filters or manually adding annotations for example.
This page details how to convert a matplotlib figure to a numpy 3D array of RGBA values, or directly to a PIL ( Python Imaging Library ) Image.
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)
Language/Format: Fortran,MATLAB,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to write data in an HDF4 file
Author(s): Nicolas PASCAL, Nicolas THOMAS, Aminata NDIAYE (CARE )
Language/Format: MATLAB
Description: This page gives pieces of code to write data in a NetCDF file
Author(s): Aminata NDIAYE (ICARE)
Language/Format: Python
Description: It is often needed to extract bits values aggregated in higher size words, for example, for reading QA flags in CALIPSO or MODIS data. This page gives pieces of code and describes the way to do it.
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE )
Language/Format: Python
Description: Gives an example for creating an image from 2D data with Python and the Matplotlib library. The data array is read from an HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Thomas ( ICARE )
Description: Gives an example for plotting a graph with Python and the Matplotlib library. The 1D data array is read from an HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Thomas (ICARE)
Language/Format: C,Fortran,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to create and write data in an HDF4 file
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal, Nicolas Thomas (ICARE)