The “Products” category features new satellite products processed by ICARE, along with new data sets or new versions collected from other data providers.
CALIPSO Lidar Level-1 V4.00 Product Retirement
The CALIPSO mission announces that as of 11 October 2017 the Version 4.00 Lidar Level-1 product will no longer be publicly available from the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center nor from the French AERIS/ICARE Data and Services Center in Lille, France. This dataset, which spans from June 13, 2006 to […]
Release of CALIPSO V4-10 Level-1 and Level-2 Lidar products November 2016
The CALIPSO mission announces the release of new versions of its standard Level 1 and Level 2 lidar data products. These products are available through the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center and the French AERIS/ICARE Data and Services Center in Lille, France. The new data products consist of the following: […]
Release of PARASOL-MODIS unique synergy products
Besides improvements brought to the standard POLDER/PARASOL Level-2 science codes (see below), a new science code has been developed, tested and validated. This code, named PM-L2, is based on the synergy between POLDER/PARASOL and MODIS/Aqua observations. Products are generated and distributed since April 2016. The output data sets are in the same grid as PARASOL […]
Release of CALIPSO V4-10 Level-1 and Level-2 Lidar products
Update of previous highlight posted in November 2016. The CALIPSO mission announces the release of new versions of its standard Level-1 and Level-2 lidar data products. These products are available through the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center and the French AERIS/ICARE Data and Services Center in Lille, France. The new […]
All PARASOL data sets now available in HDF format
Update: 2016/09 for v1.01All PARASOL data products, starting from Level-1, are now available in HDF format (see online archive):L1_B-HDF: v1.01 – Top of the atmosphere radiances – Level-1OC2-HDF: v1.01 – Daily aerosol product over ocean – Level-2LS2-HDF: v1.01 – Daily aerosol product over land – Level-2RB2-HDF: v1.01 – Daily cloud, water vapor, and radiative budget – Level-2OC3-HDF: v1.01 […]
Full reprocessing of PARASOL data archive with new data sets available
Update: 2016/09After the end of the PARASOL mission, CNES and ICARE completed a full-mission reprocessing in 2014. CNES carried out the final Level-1 PARASOL reprocessing using an improved algorithm incorporating all final in-flight radiometric calibration parameters (CNES document PARASOL_L1_final_reprocessing.pdf ). ICARE proceeded with the reprocessing of the PARASOL Level-2 and Level-3 products using revised science codes as […]
Public release of Megha-Tropiques/SAPHIR Relative Humidity profiles products– July 2015
The French Megha-Tropiques science team is pleased to announce the public release of the layer-averaged relative humidity profiles (L2-RH) derived from the SAPHIR instrument. This new Level-2 product is available from the start of the mission (October 2011) until present. (click here to access the data from the ICARE archive interface (current version: v1.00).The SAPHIR relative humidity […]
PARASOL Level-1 and Level-2-and-up Data Reprocessing Completion
After 9 years in orbit, the PARASOL mission has gone well beyond the 2-year lifespan expected at the beginning of the mission. PARASOL flew nearly 5 years in formation with other instruments of the A-Train constellation of satellites, providing coincident observations (available at ICARE as well). The good quality of the measurements and innovative inversion […]
Release of SEVIRI AERUS-GEO aerosol product
A new SEVIRI aerosol product has been developed in the framework of a joint collaboration between Meteo France (CNRM-GAME) and ICARE. The new daily (daytime) aerosol optical depth product (SEV_AERUS-AEROSOL-NRT-D3) is public (current version: v1.01, year 2014 until present)). The AERUS-GEO (Aerosol and surface albEdo Retrieval Using a directional Splitting method-application to GEOstationary data) product […]