CALIPSO/CLOUDSAT Vertical Cloud Caracterization
Version history:
Version 2.1.1: algorithm version 2.1.1, Brown and Francis modified mass-size relationship, DARDAR-MASK version 1.1.4, CLOUDSAT Level 1 and 2 R03, CALIOP Level 1 and 2 versions 3.x, IIR L1 versions 1-0x, Released July 2019Version 3-00: algorithm version 3.0.1, Brown and Francis modified mass-size relationship, CLOUDSAT Level 1 and 2 R05, CALIOP Level 1 versions 4.1x and level 2 versions 4.2x, IIR L1 versions 2-0x, Released June 2021
Version 3-10: algorithm version 3.0.1, Heymfield's composite mass-size relationship, CLOUDSAT Level 1 and 2 R05, CALIOP Level 1 versions 4.1x and level 2 versions 4.2x, IIR L1 versions 2-0x, Released June 2021
File description: DARDAR-CLOUD
Product file format: NetCDF4
Product datasets
Dataset | DataType | Dimensions | units | valid_range | scale_factor | add_offset | _FillValue | Missing_Output | long_name |
bscat_fwd | float32 | [?, ?] |
m-1 sr-1 | [ 1.00000001e-07 9.99999975e-05] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Lidar total attenuated backscatter at 532nm foward model |
ln_iwc_error | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 0. 0.60000002] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Fractional error in IWC |
wavelength | float32 | [?] | m | [ 7.99999998e-06 1.40000002e-05] | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | Wavelength of the centre of radiance channel (infrared) |
vis_optical_depth | float32 | [?] | 1 | [ 0. 50.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Optical Thickness forward model |
ln_N0_error | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 0. 0.60000002] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Fractional error in normalized number concentration parameter |
n_iterations | int16 | [?] | 1 | [ 0 20] | NONE | NONE | [-999] | NONE | Number of iteration to converge |
time | float32 | [?] | seconds since 2019 01 01 00:00:00 UTC | [ 0. 8000.] | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | UTC time |
bscat_perp | float32 | [?, ?] |
m-1 sr-1 | [ 1.00000001e-07 9.99999975e-05] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Lidar perpendicular attenuated backscatter at 532nm |
ln_extinction_error | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 0. 0.60000002] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Fractional error in visible extinction coefficient |
surf_emissivity1 | float32 | [?] | 1 | [ 0. 1.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Surface emissivity 1 |
vis_optical_depth_error | float32 | [?] | 1 | [ 0. 50.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Error in optical thickness forward model |
longitude | float32 | [?] | degrees_east | [-180. 180.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | longitude |
latitude | float32 | [?] | degrees_north | [-90. 90.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | latitude |
bscat | float32 | [?, ?] |
m-1 sr-1 | [ 1.00000001e-07 9.99999975e-05] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Lidar total attenuated backscatter at 532nm |
radiance | float32 | [?, ?] |
W m-2 um-1 sr-1 | [ 0. 15.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Radiance Forward model |
Z_fwd | float32 | [?, ?] |
mm6 m-3 | [ 9.99999975e-05 1.00000000e+02] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Radar reflectivity foward model |
chi2_dim | float32 | [?] | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
sea_surface_temperature | float32 | [?] | K | [ 273. 300.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Sea surface temperature from ECMWF model |
u10_velocity | float32 | [?] | m.s-1 | [-200. 200.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Ten-meter U component of wind from ECMWF model |
N0star | float32 | [?, ?] |
m-4 | [ 1.00000000e+04 9.99999996e+11] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Retrieved normalized number concentration parameter |
iwc | float32 | [?, ?] |
kg m-3 | [ 1.00000001e-07 9.99999975e-05] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Retrieved Ice Water Content |
land_water_mask | int16 | [?] | 1 | [0 7] | NONE | NONE | [-999] | NONE | Land Water Mask from Calipso |
chi2_split_dim | float32 | [?] | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
chi2_split | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 1.00000000e+09 0.00000000e+00] | NONE | NONE | [ 1.00000000e+09] | NONE | Value of chi squared at final iteration for each instrument lidar mie, lidar ray, Z, radiance, dradiance), normalized by the number of gates |
v10_velocity | float32 | [?] | m.s-1 | [-200. 200.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Ten-meter V component of wind from ECMWF model |
temperature | float32 | [?, ?] |
K | [ 0. 400.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Temperature from ECMWF |
Target_Lidar_Mask | int16 | [?, ?] |
1 | [-1 9] | NONE | NONE | [-9] | NONE | Type of target identified by the LIDAR |
radiance_difference_flag | int16 | [?, ?] |
1 | [0 3] | NONE | NONE | [-999] | NONE | Radiance difference flag |
day_night_flag | int16 | [?] | 1 | [0 1] | NONE | NONE | [-999] | NONE | Day Night Flag from lidar |
ln_effective_radius_error | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 0. 0.60000002] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Fractional error in effective radius |
DARMASK_Simplified_Categorization | int16 | [?, ?] |
1 | [-2 15] | NONE | NONE | [-9] | NONE | DARMASK Categorization Flags |
radiance_flag | int16 | [?, ?] |
1 | [0 1] | NONE | NONE | [-999] | NONE | Radiance flag |
height | float32 | [?] | m | [ 0. 30000.] | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | height |
extinction | float32 | [?, ?] |
m-1 | [ 1.00000001e-07 1.00000001e-01] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Retrieved visible extinction coefficient |
radiance_sat | float32 | [?, ?] |
W m-2 um-1 sr-1 | [ 0. 15.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Radiance the satellite (3 channels) |
u_velocity | float32 | [?, ?] |
m.s-1 | [-200. 200.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | U component of wind from ECMWF model, interpolated on DARDAR heights |
effective_radius | float32 | [?, ?] |
m | [ 0. 0.00015] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Retrieved effective radius |
instrument_flag | int16 | [?, ?] |
1 | [0 3] | NONE | NONE | [-999] | NONE | Instrument flag |
ln_lidar_ratio_error | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 0. 0.60000002] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Fractional error in extinction-to-backscatter ratio |
Tropopause_Height | float32 | [?] | m | [ 0. 25000.] | NONE | NONE | [-Inf] | NONE | Tropopause Height from CAL_LID_L1, averaged on the RADAR spot |
lidar_ratio | float32 | [?, ?] |
sr | [ 0. 100.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Retrieved extinction-to-backscatter ratio |
surf_emissivity0 | float32 | [?] | 1 | [ 0. 1.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Surface emissivity 0 |
chi2 | float32 | [?, ?] |
1 | [ 1.00000000e+09 0.00000000e+00] | NONE | NONE | [ 1.00000000e+09] | NONE | Value of chi squared for each iteration |
v_velocity | float32 | [?, ?] |
m.s-1 | [-200. 200.] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | V component of wind from ECMWF model, interpolated on DARDAR heights |
Z | float32 | [?, ?] |
mm6 m-3 | [ 9.99999975e-05 1.00000000e+02] | NONE | NONE | [-999.] | NONE | Radar reflectivity factor |
Product global attributes
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