Product Documentation

File description: MT1SAPOL1A

Product file format: HDF5

Product datasets

Dataset DataType Dimensions units valid_range scale_factor add_offset _FillValue Missing_Output long_name
Beginning of group : ScienceData
IncidenceAngle_Samples int16 [?,
degree [0.0, 51.8] 0.01 NONE 32767 NONE Incidence angle at the center of samples
Latitude_Nadir uint16 [?] degree [-40, 40] 0.01 -40.0 65535 NONE latitude of sub-satellite point
Latitude_Samples uint16 [?,
degree [-40.0, 40.0] 0.01 -40.0 65535 NONE latitude of samples
Longitude_Nadir uint16 [?] degree [0.0, 360.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE longitude of sub-satellite point
Longitude_Samples uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 360.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE longitude of samples
QF_Samples_S1 uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag of sample for channel 183.31 +/-0.2GHz
QF_Samples_S2 uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag of sample for channel 183.31 +/-1.1GHz
QF_Samples_S3 uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag of sample for channel 183.31 +/-2.8GHz
QF_Samples_S4 uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag of sample for channel 183.31 +/-4.2Ghz
QF_Samples_S5 uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag of sample for channel 183.31 +/-6.8Ghz
QF_Samples_S6 uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag of sample for channel 183.31 +/-11.0Ghz
SAPHIR_QF_scan uint16 [?] NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality flag applicable to the scan line
Scan_FirstSampleAcqTime string200 [?,
UTC Time in microsecond NONE NONE NONE yyyymmdd hhmmssuuuuuu NONE date and time of first sample
Scan_Gain float32 [?,
counts/K [15.0, 28.0] 1.0 0.0 3.4E38 NONE Estimated gain
Scan_HotLoadTemperature uint16 [?] Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Hot load temperature
Scan_Number uint16 [?] NONE [0, 65535] NONE 52397190 65535 NONE Scan Number
Scan_Offset float32 [?,
Kelvin [1130.0, 1620.0] 1.0 0.0 3.4E38 NONE Estimated offset
TB_Samples_S1 uint16 [?,
Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Samples brightness temperature at 183.31 +/-0.2GHz
TB_Samples_S2 uint16 [?,
Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Samples brightness temperature at 183.31 +/-1.1GHz
TB_Samples_S3 uint16 [?,
Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Samples brightness temperature at 183.31 +/-2.8GHz
TB_Samples_S4 uint16 [?,
Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Samples brightness temperature at 183.31 +/-4.2GHz
TB_Samples_S5 uint16 [?,
Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Samples brightness temperature at 183.31 +/-6.8GHz
TB_Samples_S6 uint16 [?,
Kelvin [0.0, 400.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Samples brightness temperature at 183.31 +/-11.0GHz
End of group : ScienceData

Product global attributes

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