ICARE developed a variety of tools to help users manipulate, analyze and visualize the data sets and formats available at ICARE.
HDF5 reader: HDF5 files read library in many languages
Language/Sofware: C, Fortran, IDL, MATLAB, Python
Application type(s): Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
The library contains high-level read functions for HDF5 files in R and MATLAB.
Author(s): Aminata Ndiaye (CGTD)
SSMIS tools: Useful Python software for reading SSMI binary files
Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Henriot. Bruno Six (ICARE)
SSMI_TOOLS: Useful Python software for reading SSMI binary files
Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Henriot. Bruno Six (ICARE)
HDF Reader: HDF4 files read library in many languages
Language/Sofware: C, Fortran, Fortran77, Fortran90, IDL, MATLAB, Python
Application type(s): Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
The library contains high-level read functions for HDF4 files in C, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, IDL, Python and MATLAB
Author(s): Bruno Six, Nicolas Pascal, Aminata Ndiaye (ICARE) ; Francois-Marie Breon (IPSL-LSCE)
hdfcpp: High level C++ library for reading HDF4 files
Language/Sofware: C++
Application type(s): Data Read/Write
Related project(s): CALIPSO, GLAS, GOES, METEOSAT, MODIS, MSG, Megha-Tropiques, PARASOL, POLDER
This library is a high level C++ wrapper for manipulating the HDF4 files in an object oriented way
Author(s): Fabrice Ducos (LOA), Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)
Caliop2ascii: A code to output caliop data on Ascii format
Language/Sofware: C, C++
Application type(s):
Related project(s): CALIPSO
A new version of calipso2ascii is also available. The latest version allows to decode the values of the specific fields of SDS (“Feature_Classification_Flags”) available on most of HDF products
Author(s): François Thieuleux
Filedata: High level C++ library for reading a lot of products hosted by ICARE
Language/Sofware: C++
Application type(s): Data Read/Write
Related project(s): CALIPSO, MODIS, PARASOL
This library provides interfaces for reading products hosted by ICARE, like MODIS, CALIPSO, PARASOL, CLOUDSAT, MERIS… It also provides high level interfaces to common file formats like HDF5 or HDF4
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal, James Manley (ICARE)
Parasolascii : A simple parser for the POLDER/PARASOL format
Language/Sofware: C
Application type(s): Data Conversion
Related project(s): PARASOL, POLDER
Displays the data from the PARASOL ( and POLDER ) binary files in plain text. You specify the data you want to be displayed, in the order you wish, and they will be extracted into columns (separated by tabulations) in this very order. You are then free to redirect the data into the tool of your choice (a plotter, a data filter, or an hand-made program). Of course, calls to parasolascii are scriptable
Author(s): Fabrice Ducos (ICARE – LOA)
OpenMTP tools: Tools for reading and visualizing data in OpenMTP format ( METEOSAT )
Language/Sofware: C, Fortran, IDL
Application type(s): Data Read/Write, Extraction, Visualization
Related project(s): METEOSAT
It contains a list of tools for :
– mapping (lat,lon) coordinates to (i,j) pixel indexes and vice-versa
– data extraction
– data visualisation
Author(s): Antoinette Alias (ICARE), EUMETSAT