Product Documentation

File description: MT1SCAOL1A2

Product file format: HDF5

Product datasets

Dataset DataType Dimensions units valid_range scale_factor add_offset _FillValue Missing_Output long_name
Beginning of group : ScienceData
AcrossTrack_DiagonalSize uint16 [?,
km [0.0, 500.0] 10.0 0.0 65535 NONE Across Track diagonal size of pixel
AlongTrack_DiagonalSize uint16 [?,
km [0.0, 500.0] 10.0 0.0 65535 NONE Along Track diagonal size of pixel
Colatitude_Nadir uint16 [?] degree [50, 130] 0.01 NONE 65335 NONE Colatitude of Sub Satellite point
Colatitude_TOA_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [50.0, 130.0] 0.01 NONE 65535 NONE Colatitude of pixel at TOA
Colatitude_surface_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [50.0, 130.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Colatitude of pixel at surface
FilteredRadiance_Infrared uint16 [?,
?] [0.0, 50.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Filtered radiance for Infrared channel
FilteredRadiance_Solar uint16 [?,
?] [0.0, 425.0] 0.02 0.0 65535 NONE Filtered radiance for solar channel
FilteredRadiance_SyntheticLW uint16 [?,
?] [0.0, 500.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Filtered radiance for SyntheticLW channel
FilteredRadiance_Total uint16 [?,
?] [0.0, 500.0] 0.02 0.0 65535 NONE Filtered radiance for Total channel
FilteredRadiance_Visible uint16 [?,
?] [0.0, 120.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Filtered radiance for visible channel
Longitude_Nadir uint16 [?] degree [0, 360.0] 0.01 NONE 65335 NONE Longitude of Sub Satellite point
Longitude_TOA_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 360.0] 0.01 NONE 65535 NONE Longitude of pixels at TOA
Longitude_surface_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 360.0] 0.01 NONE 65535 NONE Longitude of pixels at earth surface
Pixel_Orientation uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 360.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Pixel Orientation
QF_Pixels_Infrared uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Pixel Quality Infrared channel
QF_Pixels_Solar uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Pixel Quality Solar channel
QF_Pixels_SyntheticLW uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Pixel Quality SyntheticLW channel
QF_Pixels_Total uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Pixel Quality Total channel
QF_Pixels_Visible uint16 [?,
NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Pixel Quality Visible channel
Relative_azimuth_angle_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 360.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE Relative azimuth angle at pixel centre
SCARAB_QF_scan uint16 [?] NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Quality Flag Applicable to the Scan Line
Scan_FirstPixelAcq_Time string200 [?,
UTC time upto microsecond level NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Date and time of first Pixel
Scan_Gain float32 [?,
counts/(Wm-2sr-1) [-300.0, 0] NONE NONE 3.4E38 NONE Scan Gain
Scan_Number uint16 [?] NONE [0, 64000000] NONE 11088996 65335 NONE Scan Number
Solar_zenith_angle_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 180.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE solar zenith angle at pixel centre
Viewing_azimuth_angle_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [-180.0, 180.0] 0.01 -180.0 32767 NONE Viewing azimuth angle at pixel centre
Viewing_zenith_angle_Pixels uint16 [?,
degree [0.0, 90.0] 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE viewing zenith angle at pixel centre
End of group : ScienceData

Product global attributes

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