Product Documentation

POLDER/PARASOL Earth Radiation Budget, Water Vapor and Cloud Parameters - Level-2

The geophysical parameters shown in table given below are computed from the level-1 product for each superpixel (3x3 pixels), by orbit segment. These Level-2 parameters are non-directional.

Version history:

RB2 Version 19.20: Released September 2015
RB2 Version 21.22: Released September 2016
RB2-HDF5 Version 1.00: First release March 2016
RB2-HDF5 Version 1.01: Released September 2016

File description: POLDER3_L2B-RGB

Product file format: HDF5

Product datasets

Dataset DataType Dimensions units valid_range scale_factor add_offset _FillValue Missing_Output long_name
Beginning of group : Data_Directional_Fields
Nclear_directional uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of clear-sky pixels (15: no observation)
Ncloudy_directional uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of cloudy pixels (15: no observation)
albedo_SW_directional uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE shortwave broadband albedo retrieved from visible narrowband directional albedo
albedo_VIS_directional uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE visible narrowband albedo (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
cloud_fraction_directional uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.005 0.0 255 NONE cloud fraction
cloud_spherical_albedo_VIS_directional uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.004 0.0 255 NONE cloud spherical visible narrowband albedo (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
corrected_polarized_radiance_865_directional uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0008 -0.05 255 NONE corrected polarized radiance at 865 nm (geometric multiplying factor: 1+cos(thetav)/cos(thetas))
phi uint8 [?,
degrees NONE 1.5 -180.0 255 NONE relative azimuth angle (defined for the central pixel)
reflectance_SW_directional uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE shortwave broadband reflectance retrieved from visible narrowband reflectance
reflectance_VIS_directional uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE visible narrowband reflectance corrected for gaseous absorption (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
thetav uint8 [?,
degrees NONE 0.5 0.0 255 NONE view zenith angle (defined for the central pixel)
End of group : Data_Directional_Fields
Beginning of group : Data_Fields
AOT_strato uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.001 0.0 255 NONE stratospheric aerosol optical thickness (exogeneous data)
Ndir_Rayleigh uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of directions used for Rayleigh pressure retrieval [0-15]
No_first_dir_glint uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE first direction potentially within sunglint [0-15]
No_last_dir_glint uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE last direction within sunglint [0-15]
Npixels uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of valid pixels in the 3x3 superpixel [0-11]
Nreclassified_to_clear uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of pixels reclassified from indeterminate to clear-sky in the 3x3 superpixel
Nreclassified_to_cloudy uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of pixels reclassified from indeterminate to cloudy in the 3x3 superpixel
Nviews uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE number of available view directions [1-16]
albedo_SW uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE shortwave broadband albedo derived from the 443, 670, 865 nm albedos
albedo_SW_clear_sky_model uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.004 0.0 255 NONE modeled clear-sky shortwave broadband albedo (independant from POLDER measurements)
albedo_VIS uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE visible narrowband albedo (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
albedo_VIS_clear_sky_model uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.004 0.0 255 NONE modeled clear-sky visible narrowband albedo (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea; independant of POLDER measurements)
albedo_VIS_quality_index uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.004 0.0 255 NONE visible narrowband albedo quality index
albedo_VIS_scene uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.0001 0.0 65535 NONE visible narrowband albedo retrieved under homogeneous scene assumption (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
albedo_VIS_scene_std_dev_angular uint8 [?,
percent NONE 0.2 0.0 255 NONE relative angular standard deviation of visible narrowband albedo retrieved under homogeneous scene assumption
albedo_VIS_std_dev_angular uint8 [?,
percent NONE 0.2 0.0 255 NONE relative angular standard deviation of the visible narrowband albedo retrieved for each pixel and each direction (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
albedo_VIS_std_dev_spatial uint8 [?,
percent NONE 0.2 0.0 255 NONE relative spatial standard deviation of the visible narrowband albedo retrieved for each pixel and each direction (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
cloud_Rayleigh_pressure uint8 [?,
hPa NONE 5.0 0.0 255 NONE cloud Rayleigh pressure (expected to be close of the cloud top pressure)
cloud_Rayleigh_pressure_std_dev_angular uint8 [?,
hPa NONE 2.5 0.0 255 NONE angular standard deviation of the cloud Rayleigh pressure retrieved for each direction
cloud_fraction uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.005 0.0 255 NONE cloud fraction (number of cloudy pixels divided by the total number of pixels)
cloud_fraction_quality_index uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.01 0.0 255 NONE quality index for cloud detection
cloud_geometrical_thickness uint16 [?,
m NONE 1.0 0.0 65535 NONE cloud geometrical thickness estimated from cloud top oxygen pressure and cloud middle oxygen pressure
cloud_geometrical_thickness_std_dev_angular uint16 [?,
m NONE 1.0 0.0 65535 NONE cloud geometrical thickness estimated from angular standard deviation of the cloud oxygen pressure (only on liquid clouds)
cloud_multi_layer_flag uint8 [?,
percent NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE cloud multi-layer flag
cloud_optical_thickness uint16 [?,
no unit NONE 0.01 0.0 65535 NONE cloud optical thickness (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
cloud_optical_thickness_std_dev_spatial uint8 [?,
percent NONE 0.4 0.0 255 NONE relative spatial standard deviation of the cloud optical thickness retrieved for each pixel
cloud_optical_thickness_variability uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.01 0.0 255 NONE variability of the cloud optical thickness distribution
cloud_oxygen_pressure uint8 [?,
hPa NONE 5.0 0.0 255 NONE cloud oxygen pressure relie on radiances at 763 and 765 nm (expected to be close of the cloud middle pressure)
cloud_oxygen_pressure_middle uint16 [?,
hPa NONE 1.0 0.0 65535 NONE cloud middle pressure estimated from cloud oxygen pressure and cloud optical thickness
cloud_oxygen_pressure_std_dev_angular uint8 [?,
hPa NONE 2.5 0.0 255 NONE angular standard deviation of the cloud oxygen pressure retrieved for each direction
cloud_oxygen_pressure_top uint16 [?,
hPa NONE 1.0 0.0 65535 NONE cloud top pressure estimated from cloud oxygen pressure, angular standard deviation of the cloud oxygen pressure and cloud optical thickness
cloud_phase uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE cloud thermodynamic phase (0-99: liquid clouds (0-19: high confidence liquid); 100-199: ice clouds (100-119: high confidence ice); 200-229 mixed phase clouds (200-215: high confidence mixed); 230-239: uncertain (no decision made); (230-235: high confidence); 240: clear sky; 255: no observation)
cloud_spherical_albedo_VIS uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.004 0.0 255 NONE cloud spherical visible narrowband albedo (670 nm: land /865 nm: sea)
mus uint8 [?,
no unit NONE 0.004 0.2 255 NONE cosine of solar zenith angle (defined for the central pixel)
ozone_total_column uint8 [?,
cm atm NONE 0.002 0.1 255 NONE total column ozone (exogeneous data)
surface_pressure uint8 [?,
hPa NONE 4.0 100.0 255 NONE meteorological surface pressure (exogeneous data)
surface_wind_direction uint8 [?,
degrees NONE 1.5 0.0 255 NONE meteorological surface wind direction (exogenous data)
surface_wind_speed uint8 [?,
m/s NONE 0.5 0.0 255 NONE meteorological surface wind speed (exogeneous data)
temperature_1000hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 1000hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_150hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 150hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_200hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 200hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_250hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 250hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_300hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 300hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_400hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 400hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_500hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 500hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_700hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 700hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_850hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 850hPa (exogeneous data)
temperature_925hPa uint8 [?,
K NONE 1.0 150.0 255 NONE temperature at 925hPa (exogeneous data)
utc_hour uint8 [?,
hour NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE utc hour for central pixel [0-23]
utc_minute uint8 [?,
minute NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE utc minute for central pixel [0-59]
water_vapor_1000hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 1000hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_150hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 150hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_200hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 200hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_250hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 250hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_300hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 300hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_400hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 400hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_500hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 500hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_700hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 700hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_850hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 850hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_925hPa uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE water vapor at 925hPa (exogeneous data)
water_vapor_column uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.03 0.0 255 NONE total column precipitable water vapor (clear-sky pixel only)
water_vapor_column_std_dev_spatial uint8 [?,
g/cm2 NONE 0.01 0.0 255 NONE spatial standard deviation of water vapor retrieved for each pixel
End of group : Data_Fields
Beginning of group : Geolocation_Fields
Latitude float64 [?,
degrees NONE 1.0 0.0 -99999.0 NONE pixel center latitude
Longitude float64 [?,
degrees NONE 1.0 0.0 -99999.0 NONE pixel center longitude
column_number uint16 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 65535 NONE column number of the pixel in the POLDER grid [1-2160]
land_sea_flag uint8 [?,
percent NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE land sea flag (0:sea, 100:land, 50:mixed)
row_number uint16 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 65535 NONE row number of the pixel in the POLDER grid [1-1080]
surface_altitude int16 [?,
meters NONE 1.0 0.0 32767 NONE pixel center surface altitude
End of group : Geolocation_Fields
Beginning of group : Quality_Flags_Fields
Quality_Flags_01 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Valid water vapor
Quality_Flags_02 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Valid cloud pressure
Quality_Flags_03 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Valid Rayleigh cloud pressure
Quality_Flags_04 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Liquid cloud
Quality_Flags_05 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Ice cloud
Quality_Flags_06 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Mixed-phase cloud
Quality_Flags_07 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Valid cloud optical thickness
Quality_Flags_08 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Possibility for snow or ice on ground in 3x3 superpixel
Quality_Flags_09 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE No sunglint
Quality_Flags_10 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Clear pixel
Quality_Flags_11 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Cloudy pixel
Quality_Flags_12 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE good temporal coincidence of input surface reflectance
Quality_Flags_13 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE good spatial homogeneity of input surface reflectance
Quality_Flags_14 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Valid visble narrowband albedo
Quality_Flags_15 uint8 [?,
no units NONE 1.0 0.0 255 NONE Valid shortwave broadband albedo
End of group : Quality_Flags_Fields

Product global attributes

Global attribute DataType Dimensions Value
Product_Description: Data Format and User Manual string 1
File_Name string 1 POLDER3_L2B-RGB-116198M_2010-01-01T13-03-40_V1-01.h5
Geographic_Projection string 1 sinusoidal equal area projection (Sanson-Flamsted)
HDF_Version string 1 1.8.13
Nadir_Pixel_Size float64 1 18.5400009155
ICARE_ID string 1 2010-01-01T13:03:40
Product_Name string 1 RGB-116198M
Software_Version string 1 1.0.4
Product_Version string 1 V1-01
Production_Center string 1 ICARE
Production_Date string 1 2016/09/26 17:53:37
Sensors string 1 POLDER3
Input_Files string 1 P3L2TRGB116198ML; P3L2TRGB116198MD
Beginning_Acquisition_Date string 1 2010-01-01T13-03-40
End_Acquisition_Date string 1 2010-01-01T13-46-37
North_Bounding_Latitude float64 1 54.75
South_Bounding_Latitude float64 1 -88.0833358765
West_Bounding_Longitude float64 1 -179.552246094
East_Bounding_Longitude float64 1 179.552246094
GRING_ORACLE_GEOMETRY string 1 -31.09 60.97, -16.90 44.36, -16.27 43.19, -15.60 42.08, -15.04 40.92, -14.49 39.75, -13.95 38.53, -13.41 37.47, -12.93 36.31, -12.40 35.14, -11.95 33.92, -11.52 32.69, -11.11 31.53, -10.65 30.36, -10.27 29.14, -9.85 27.97, -9.43 26.81, -9.03 25.64, -8.64 24.47, -8.26 23.31, -7.88 22.08, -7.58 20.86, -7.23 19.69, -6.88 18.47, -6.55 17.31, -6.22 16.08, -5.89 14.92, -5.57 13.69, -5.26 12.53, -4.96 11.31, -4.66 10.08, -4.41 8.86, -4.12 7.64, -3.89 6.36, -3.60 5.19, -3.60 5.14, -3.26 4.03, -3.26 3.97, -3.26 3.92, -3.03 2.81, -2.75 1.58, -2.47 0.42, -2.47 0.36, -2.19 -0.81, -2.19 -0.86, -2.19 -0.92, -1.97 -2.03, -1.70 -3.36, -1.70 -3.42, -1.48 -4.64, -1.20 -5.81, -1.20 -5.86, -0.92 -6.92, -0.92 -6.97, -0.92 -7.03, -0.70 -8.14, -0.70 -8.19, -0.42 -9.42, -0.20 -10.64, 0.03 -11.75, 0.26 -13.03, 0.43 -14.36, 0.61 -15.69, 0.78 -16.92, 1.02 -18.14, 1.27 -19.36, 1.45 -20.58, 1.70 -21.75, 1.96 -22.92, 2.22 -24.14, 2.49 -25.25, 2.76 -26.42, 3.04 -27.53, 3.39 -28.64, 3.68 -29.69, 3.98 -30.81, 4.29 -31.92, 4.48 -33.19, 4.62 -34.47, 4.76 -35.81, 4.91 -37.14, 5.00 -38.47, 5.17 -39.81, 5.27 -41.08, 5.52 -42.31, 5.71 -43.53, 5.91 -44.75, 6.19 -45.92, 6.49 -47.08, 6.72 -48.25, 6.97 -49.47, 7.15 -50.69, 7.42 -51.86, 7.64 -53.14, 7.77 -54.36, 8.02 -55.64, 8.36 -56.75, 8.63 -57.92, 8.83 -59.14, 9.16 -60.36, 9.40 -61.58, 9.64 -62.75, 9.96 -64.03, 10.37 -65.14, 10.71 -66.31, 11.10 -67.47, 11.39 -68.69, 11.73 -69.92, 12.12 -71.14, 12.66 -72.25, 13.29 -73.36, 13.74 -74.64, 14.22 -75.86, 14.60 -77.14, 15.21 -78.31, 16.04 -79.53, 17.20 -80.81, 18.36 -81.92, 20.08 -83.08, 22.77 -84.19, 26.45 -85.36, 32.11 -86.47, 41.79 -87.53, 65.00 -88.42, 113.11 -88.69, 148.66 -88.03, 164.46 -87.03, 171.82 -85.92, 176.01 -84.81, 179.25 -83.64, -178.94 -82.47, -177.24 -81.31, -175.35 -80.03, -174.68 -78.86, -174.10 -77.75, -173.42 -76.58, -172.66 -75.31, -171.77 -74.14, -171.70 -73.08, -171.17 -71.86, -170.56 -70.58, 154.43 -65.14, 152.47 -66.14, 150.33 -67.14, 147.93 -67.97, 145.71 -68.86, 143.09 -69.69, 140.19 -70.47, 137.33 -71.19, 134.02 -71.81, 130.51 -72.53, 126.84 -73.08, 122.72 -73.58, 118.76 -73.92, 114.37 -74.25, 109.93 -74.47, 105.47 -74.58, 100.80 -74.64, 95.98 -74.64, 91.45 -74.47, 86.72 -74.25, 82.28 -73.92, 78.25 -73.53, 74.87 -73.03, 71.28 -72.47, 67.88 -71.86, 64.40 -71.19, 61.25 -70.47, 58.22 -69.64, 55.57 -68.81, 52.85 -67.86, 50.65 -66.97, 48.70 -66.08, 46.85 -65.14, 45.13 -64.19, 43.43 -63.19, 41.75 -62.19, 40.34 -61.14, 39.00 -60.14, 37.78 -59.08, 36.56 -58.03, 35.42 -56.97, 34.31 -55.86, 33.26 -54.75, 32.28 -53.64, 31.37 -52.53, 30.50 -51.42, 29.71 -50.31, 28.87 -49.19, 28.09 -47.97, 27.43 -46.86, 26.69 -45.69, 25.99 -44.53, 25.44 -43.42, 24.90 -42.31, 24.33 -41.19, 23.76 -40.03, 23.13 -38.81, 22.62 -37.64, 22.06 -36.42, 21.50 -35.14, 20.96 -33.81, 20.39 -32.53, 19.92 -31.25, 19.40 -29.97, 18.98 -28.75, 18.66 -27.64, 18.36 -26.58, 18.00 -25.47, 17.66 -24.42, 17.33 -23.31, 16.94 -22.14, 16.63 -20.97, 16.27 -19.81, 15.98 -18.69, 15.70 -17.53, 15.37 -16.36, 15.05 -15.14, 15.05 -15.08, 14.80 -13.97, 14.44 -12.75, 14.14 -11.47, 13.80 -10.19, 13.41 -8.92, 13.41 -8.86, 13.09 -7.64, 12.83 -6.47, 12.53 -5.25, 12.28 -4.03, 11.99 -2.86, 11.99 -2.81, 11.75 -1.69, 11.75 -1.64, 11.42 -0.42, 11.42 -0.36, 11.14 0.81, 11.14 0.86, 11.14 0.92, 10.87 2.08, 10.60 3.36, 10.34 4.47, 10.34 4.53, 10.08 5.69, 10.08 5.75, 9.88 6.92, 9.62 8.03, 9.62 8.08, 9.37 9.31, 9.13 10.53, 8.88 11.75, 8.64 12.97, 8.40 14.19, 8.16 15.42, 7.92 16.64, 7.68 17.86, 7.49 18.97, 7.25 20.25, 7.01 21.42, 6.83 22.53, 6.59 23.81, 6.35 25.03, 6.10 26.25, 5.91 27.42, 5.66 28.64, 5.47 29.81, 5.28 30.92, 5.02 32.19, 4.82 33.36, 4.56 34.64, 4.35 35.81, 4.14 37.03, 3.92 38.19, 3.70 39.42, 3.48 40.64, 3.24 41.75, 3.00 43.03, 2.75 44.25, 2.57 45.36, 2.30 46.58, 2.11 47.75, -2.11 65.86, -31.09 60.97
GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE string56 49 ['-2.11' '50.65' '52.85' '55.57' '58.22' '61.25' '64.40' '67.88' '71.28'
'74.87' '78.25' '82.28' '86.72' '91.45' '95.98' '100.80' '105.47' '109.93'
'114.37' '118.76' '122.72' '126.84' '130.51' '137.33' '140.19' '143.09'
'145.71' '150.33' '152.47' '154.43' '-170.56' '-171.17' '-171.70'
'-178.94' '179.25' '176.01' '171.82' '164.46' '148.66' '113.11' '65.00'
'41.79' '32.11' '26.45' '22.77' '10.71' '10.37' '9.96' '-31.09']
GRINGPOINTLATITUDE string48 49 ['65.86' '-66.97' '-67.86' '-68.81' '-69.64' '-70.47' '-71.19' '-71.86'
'-72.47' '-73.03' '-73.53' '-73.92' '-74.25' '-74.47' '-74.64' '-74.64'
'-74.58' '-74.47' '-74.25' '-73.92' '-73.58' '-73.08' '-72.53' '-71.19'
'-70.47' '-69.69' '-68.86' '-67.14' '-66.14' '-65.14' '-70.58' '-71.86'
'-73.08' '-82.47' '-83.64' '-84.81' '-85.92' '-87.03' '-88.03' '-88.69'
'-88.42' '-87.53' '-86.47' '-85.36' '-84.19' '-66.31' '-65.14' '-64.03'
Orbit_number_in_the_cycle string 1 198
Ascending_node_longitude string 1 004.540
Line_of_the_northern_most_pixel_in_the_viewing_segment string 1 0212
UT_date_of_first_image_acquisition_for_the_viewing_segment string 1 2010010113034053
Level-1_processing_software_version string 1 03.02
Cycle_number string 1 116
Input_second_TOMS_data_file string 1
Level-2_processing_software_version string 1 212223
Satellite_identificator string 1 MYRIADE2
Pixel_size_of_the_reference_grid(km) string 1 018.540
Number_of_sequences_in_the_viewing_segment string 1 129
Input_third_meteorological_data_file string 1
Sub_satellite_track_number string 1 124
Software_version_number string 1 212223
Input_first_level-3_product string 1 P3L3TLGA091215M
Line_of_the_southern_most_pixel_in_the_viewing_segment string 1 1069
Input_second_meteorological_data_file string 1 METEO_2010010118
Input_first_meteorological_data_file string 1 METEO_2010010112
Input_third_level-3_product string 1 P3L3TLGA100105M
Input_first_TOMS_data_file string 1
UT_date_of_last_image_acquisition_for_the_viewing_segment string 1 2010010113463754
Ascending_node_date_and_UT_time string 1 2010010113311320
Version_of_the_data_used_for_radiometric_calibration string 1 04.60
Input_level-1_product string 1 P3L1TBG1116198M
Input_second_level-3_product string 1 P3L3TLGA091225M
Version_of_the_data_used_for_geometric_processing string 1 02.01

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