Caliop2ascii: A code to output caliop data on Ascii format

Language/Format: C, C++
Application type(s):
Related project(s): CALIPSO


caliop2ascii program aims to display CALIOP/caltrack HDF file dataset’s value in ascii format either as physical values (scaled), which is the default behaviour from now, or as raw values (old behavior for compatibility, see –raw option).


Usage : caliop2ascii [list of options] <input CALIOP/caltrack HDF  file> [sds_name1,[sds_name2 ...]]
 If invoked without any options and arguments, caliop2ascii will display this usage message
 If invoked without any options and only a supported CALIOP/caltrack HDF file format (see list above),
 caliop2ascii will display a list of available sds's attributes.
 If invoked with --all option and only a supported CALIOP/caltrack HDF file format (see list above), caliop2ascii will display every available sds datas
 Note that for long options, equal sign should be used when passing optional argument value.
   --all                                        display all available SDS
   --attributes|-a                              display file or sds's attributes
   --coordinates_grid|-c [1|2|3]                display coordinates in the parasol grid (line,column)
                                              optional argument should be
                                                   1 for full resolution POLDER's grid (6480x3240),
                                                   2 for medium resolution POLDER's grid (2160x1080),
                                                   3 for low resolution POLDER's grid (720x360).
                                                   (if omitted, full resolution is supposed)
 --delim=DELIM                                use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter            
 --grid_subset|-G <min_line[:min_column][,max_line[:max_column]]>
                                              display values only in the suitable zone
 --date|-d                                    display the acquisition date for each pixel
                                              unless the -T option is used, the default date format is "%F"
 --date_format|-D                sets the format used to display dates
                                              same syntax as the Unix date command, see the man page of date(1)
 --coordinates_geo|-g                         display geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude)
 --decode_fcf|-f [fcf_field]                  display fields from specific's Feature_Classification_Flags SDS (if requested) 
                                              as mentionned in the Document Data Management System - Data Products Catalog,
                                              No: PC-SCI-503 Release and following releases.
                                              Seven fields can be obtained (see Table 44 from previous reference):
                                              Bit(s)   Field Description         
                                              1-3      Feature Type              
                                              4-5      Feature Type QA           
                                              6-7      Ice/Water Phase           
                                              8-9      Ice/Water Phase QA        
                                              10-12    Feature Sub-type          
                                              13       Cloud/Aerosol/PSC Type QA 
                                              14-16    Horizonthal averaging required for detection
                                              If no option is given, every fields will be display.
                                              Optional argument should be
                                              . FeatureType 
                                              . FeaturetypeQA
                                              . Phase
                                              . PhaseQA
                                              . FeatureSubType
                                              . TypeQA
                                              - HA
                                              You can give many times --decode_fcf|-f option with argument,
                                              but --decode_fcf|-f option without argument will take precedence 
                                              to others.
 --geo_subset|-C <min_lat[:min_lon],max_lat[:max_lon]>
                                              display values only in the suitable zone
 --fillvalue|--fv                 sets the fill value (default is 'nan')
 --index_language_offset|-i <c|fortran>       convention to apply for array index offset
                                                     1 for FORTRAN (default convention),
                                                     0 for C
 --metadata|-m [metadata_name]                display metadata list available with their characteristics
                                              Optionally, you can specifiy a metadata metadata_name, and
                                              caliop2ascii will then display values and then exit.
                                              (--record_index option is compatible with it).
                                              (For DFNT_CHAR or DFNT_UCHAR metadata type,
                                              strings will be displayed, --record_index option is deactivate).
 --node_longitude|-N                          display the node longitude (between -180 and +180 degrees)
 --quiet|-q                                   Quiet execution.  Useful if caliop2ascii is run in a script.
                                              Note that this option will inhibit --verbose option.
 --record_index|-r                            display the record index as figured in the CALIOP HDF file
 --raw                                        display raw datas without scaling them.
 --time|-t                                    display the acquisition time for each pixel
                                              unless the --time_format option is used, the default time format is "%H:%M:%S"
 --time_format                   sets the format used to display times
                                              same syntax as the Unix date command, see the man page of date(1)
 --verbose|-v                                 display extended information
                                              This option support level of verbosity as optional argument:
                                              0 (QUIET)      <-- Nothing is reported to sdtout and/or stderr,
                                                                 except fatal error messages on stderr that lead to stop execution.
                                              1 (MINIMAL)    <-- Errors messages only are reported to stderr.
                                              2 (NORMAL)     <-- Default value.
                                              3 (DETAILED)   <-- More messages are displayed
                                              4 (DIAGNOSTIC) <-- Debugging purposes (Much more messages displayed
                                              Optional level of verbosity should be given as : --verbose=
                                              By default (-v or --verbose option), the behaviour is same as previously (normal verbose).
                                              Note that level of verbosity could be given as an index (between 0 and 4 included),
                                              or a character string (QUIET, MINIMAL, NORMAL, DETAILED or DIAGNOSTIC, case insensitive).
 --version                                    display version number and copyright informations then exit
 --V                                          display version number then exit
 --reverse_coordinates|-X                     display (lines and columns) and (latitudes and longitudes) in reverse order
                                              by default, caliop2ascii display lines before columns and latitudes before longitudes;
                                              some tools expect the reverse, which is the -X option aim at.
 --examples                                   display some examples and exit
 --help                                       display this help and examples then exit
 CALIOP files types supported in this release
    - CAL_LID_L2_333mCLay (Lidar Level 2 Cloud Layer data product at 333 m horizontal resolution)
    - CAL_LID_L2_01kmCLay (Lidar Level 2 Cloud Layer data product at 1 km horizontal resolution)
    - CAL_LID_L2_05kmCLay (Lidar Level 2 Cloud Layer data product at 5 km horizontal resolution)
    - CAL_LID_L2_05kmCPro (Lidar Level 2 Cloud Profile data product at 5 km horizontal resolution)
    - CAL_LID_L2_05kmALay (Lidar Level 2 Aerosol Layer data product at 5 km horizontal resolution)
    - CAL_LID_L2_VFM (Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask data product at 5 km horizontal resolution)
    - CAL_LID_L1 (Lidar Level 1B Profiles DP 1.1)
 caltrack files types supported in this release
    - caltrack_l1_CALIOP-VFM ()
    - caltrack_l1_CLOUDSAT-1B-CPR ()
    - caltrack_l1_ECMWF-AN ()
    - caltrack_l1_MODIS-MYD021KM ()
    - caltrack_l1_MODIS-MYD03 ()
    - caltrack_l2_CALIOP-05KMALAY ()
    - caltrack_l2_CLOUDSAT-2B-CLDCLASS ()
    - caltrack_l2_CLOUDSAT-2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR ()
    - caltrack_l2_CLOUDSAT-2B-GEOPROF ()
    - caltrack_l2_CLOUDSAT-2B-TAU ()
    - caltrack_l2_DARDAR-CLOUD ()
    - caltrack_l2_DARDAR-MASK ()
    - caltrack_l2_IIR-L2 ()
    - caltrack_l2_MODIS-MYD04-L2 ()
    - caltrack_l2_MODIS-MYD05-L2 ()
    - caltrack_l2_MODIS-MYD06-L2 ()
    - caltrack_l2_OMI_CLDO2 ()
    - caltrack_l2_OMI_CLDRR ()
    - caltrack_l2_OMI_NO2 ()
    - ....


Source can be downloaded here : CALOP2ASCII-0.7.0.tgz Package can be browsed here : caliop2ascii



  • a C++ compiler
  • a HDF4 library
  • ( )

Author(s): François Thieuleux

More news

Development Tools

HDF5 reader: HDF5 files read library in many languages

Language/Sofware: C, Fortran, IDL, MATLAB, Python
Application type(s): Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
The library contains high-level read functions for HDF5 files in R and MATLAB.
Author(s): Aminata Ndiaye (CGTD)


Development Tools

SSMIS tools: Useful Python software for reading SSMI binary files

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Henriot. Bruno Six (ICARE)


Development Tools

SSMI_TOOLS: Useful Python software for reading SSMI binary files

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Henriot. Bruno Six (ICARE)

