Data Policy


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Data policy for ARTDECO
Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Database for Earth Climate Observation

ARTDECO is developed by scientists at LOA (University of Lille/CNRS) and distributed by the AERIS/ICARE Data and Services Center.

The ARTDECO source code is free of charge. You must be registered at ICARE (register here) and agree to the ARTDECO data policy to get access to the code. Please allow a few business days for us to update your access privileges. You will receive an email notification when the process is complete.
All users must apply for data access individually. No redistribution is permitted.
The use of ARTDECO is limited to research or non-commercial applications.

For science questions, please contact the ARTDECO PI, Laurent Labonnote (University of Lille/CNRS/LOA).
For technical questions about the package or access issues, please contact the ICARE helpdesk.

You must log in and agree to the above data policy if you want to access data covered by it
