Product Documentation

File description: BALI

Product file format: NetCDF3

Product datasets

Dataset DataType Dimensions units valid_range scale_factor add_offset _FillValue Missing_Output long_name
Time float32 [Time] hours since 2015-03-16 00:00:00 [0.0, 24.0] NONE NONE NONE NONE Time of the retrievals (decimal hours)
Lidar_Profile_Time float32 [Lidar_Profile_Time] hours since 2015-03-16 00:00:00 [0.0, 24.0] NONE NONE NONE NONE LIDAR profile time (decimal hours)
Input_Lidar_Ratio_Time float32 [Input_Lidar_Ratio_Time] hours since 2015-03-16 00:00:00 [0.0, 24.0] NONE NONE -999.0 NONE Time scale of the LIDAR ratio input (decimal hours)
Altitude float32 [Altitude] meters [0.0, 50000.0] NONE NONE NONE NONE Vertical bins altitudes, starting from platform level
Cloud_Index int8 [Cloud_Index] 1 [1, 10] NONE NONE NONE NONE Cloud indexes
Latitude float32 [Time] degrees_north [-90.0, 90.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Latitude of the station
Longitude float32 [Time] degrees_east [-180.0, 180.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Longitude of the station
Platform_Height float32 [Time] meters [0.0, 50000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Altitude of the station above the mean sea level
Boundary_Layer_Altitude float32 [Lidar_Profile_Time] meters [0.0, 50000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Boundary layer altitude retrieved from the LIDAR
Top_Layer_Altitude float32 [Lidar_Profile_Time] meters [0.0, 50000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Top layer altitude retrieved from the LIDAR
Number_Clouds_Found_Lidar int8 [Lidar_Profile_Time] 1 [0, 127] 1 0 -1 NONE Number of clouds identified by the LIDAR
Cloud_Base_Altitude_Lidar float32 [Lidar_Profile_Time,
meters [0.0, 50000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Cloud base altitude identified by the LIDAR
Cloud_Centroid_Altitude_Lidar float32 [Lidar_Profile_Time,
meters [0.0, 50000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Cloud centroid altitude identified by the LIDAR
Cloud_Top_Altitude_Lidar float32 [Lidar_Profile_Time,
meters [0.0, 50000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Cloud top altitude identified by the LIDAR
Aerosol_Optical_Depth_532nm float32 [Time] 1 [-1.0, 3.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Retrieved aerosol optical depth
Number_Clear_Profiles int8 [Time] 1 [0, 127] 1 0 -1 NONE Number of clear LIDAR profiles identify during the retrieval process
Number_Used_Profiles int8 [Time] 1 [0, 127] 1 0 -1 NONE Number of used LIDAR profiles identify during the retrieval process
Lidar_Ratio float32 [Time] 1 [0.0, 1000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE LIDAR ratio
Extinction_Coefficient_532nm float32 [Time,
km-1 [-100.0, 100.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Retrieved extinction profiles at 532nm
Input_Lidar_Ratio float32 [Input_Lidar_Ratio_Time] 1 [0.0, 1000.0] 1.0 0.0 -999.0 NONE Lidar ratio inputs (constrained values)

Product global attributes

Global attribute DataType Dimensions Value
production_center string 1 ICARE - Data and Services Center (
contact string 1
reference string 1
Conventions string 1 CF-1.6
featureType string 1 profile
product_name string 1 BALI
product_description string 1 Aerosol retrievals issued from the BASIC algorithm,"LIDAR only" mode
file_name string 1
netcdf_libversion string 1 of Mar 6 2013 11:00:43 $
year int16 1 2015
month int16 1 3
day int16 1 16
beginning_acquisition_date string 1 2015-03-16T00:00:00Z
end_acquisition_date string 1 2015-03-16T23:59:59Z
software_version string 1 V1.5.0
product_version string 1 V2-00
production_date string 1 2015-06-03T15:55:50Z
ICARE_ID string 1 N/A
input_files string 1
platform_name string 1 LOA-Photons_Lille
lidar_wavelengths string 1 532 nm

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