Product Documentation

File description: MT1SAPSL1A__1.06_000_9_16_I_2015_01_01_01_41_23_2015_01_01_03_36_46_16627_16628_172_41_42_BL1_00.h5

ScienceData group attributes

Group attribute DataType Dimensions Value
Product_Identification string 1 MT1SAPSL1A__1.06_000_9_16_I_2015_01_01_01_41_23_2015_01_01_03_36_46_16627_16628_172_41_42_BL1_00
Organization_Name string 1 ISRO
Property_of_data string 1 ISRO_and_CNES
Satellite_Name string 1 MEGHA-TROPIQUES
Payload_Name string 1 SAPHIR
Product_Name string 1 Level-1-A-segment-wise
Product_Format string 1 NCSA-HDF
Product_Format_Version string 1 HDF5-1.6.4
Product_Generation_Date string 1 2015JAN01
Imaging_Date string 1 2015JAN01
Date_Format string 1 YYYYMMMDD
INS_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
PRO_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
RAD_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
GEO_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
PCS_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
SLC_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
GRB_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
UCS_AuxFile_Version string 1 9_16
Number_of_Channels string 1 6
Channel_CentralFrequency string 1 183+/-0.2 GHz 183+/-1.1 GHz 183+/-2.8 GHz 183+/-4.2 GHz 183+/-6.8 GHz 183+/-11.0 GHz
Channel_Bandwidth string 1 200 MHz 350 MHz 500 MHz 700 MHz 1200 MHz 2000 MH
SunGlint_Limits string 1 [0, 30]degree
Orbit_StartNumber string 1 16627
Orbit_EndNumber string 1 16628
Orbit_Cycle_Number string 1 41
SLConf string 1 110010
Nskip string 1 NONE
ProcessorVersion string 1 ISRO_SAC_DP-MT1-SAPL1A_SW-VER-1.06F000(ISRO_SAC_DP-MT1-SW_PROD_ID-100_01_L1A2_011_01_L1A3-0007000)
Sample_Size_AlongTrack string 1 +14.503 +14.361 +14.223 +14.090 +13.960 +13.834 +13.712 +13.594 +13.479 +13.368 +13.259 +13.154 +13.051 +12.952 +12.855 +12.761 +12.670 +12.580 +12.494 +12.409 +12.327 +12.248 +12.170 +12.094 +12.021 +11.949 +11.879 +11.811 +11.745 +11.680 +11.618 +11.557 +11.497 +11.439 +11.383 +11.328 +11.275 +11.223 +11.172 +11.123 +11.075 +11.029 +10.984 +10.940 +10.897 +10.855 +10.815 +10.776 +10.738 +10.701 +10.665 +10.631 +10.597 +10.565 +10.533 +10.503 +10.473 +10.445 +10.417 +10.390 +10.365 +10.340 +10.316 +10.294 +10.272 +10.251 +10.230 +10.211 +10.193 +10.175 +10.158 +10.143 +10.128 +10.113 +10.100 +10.087 +10.076 +10.065 +10.055 +10.045 +10.037 +10.029 +10.022 +10.016 +10.010 +10.006 +10.002 +9.999 +9.997 +9.995 +9.994 +9.994 +9.995 +9.997 +9.999 +10.002 +10.006 +10.010 +10.016 +10.022 +10.029 +10.037 +10.045 +10.055 +10.065 +10.076 +10.087 +10.100 +10.113 +10.128 +10.143 +10.158 +10.175 +10.193 +10.211 +10.230 +10.251 +10.272 +10.294 +10.316 +10.340 +10.365 +10.390 +10.417 +10.445 +10.473 +10.503 +10.533 +10.565 +10.597 +10.631 +10.665 +10.701 +10.738 +10.776 +10.815 +10.855 +10.897 +10.940 +10.984 +11.029 +11.075 +11.123 +11.172 +11.223 +11.275 +11.328 +11.383 +11.439 +11.497 +11.557 +11.618 +11.680 +11.745 +11.811 +11.879 +11.949 +12.021 +12.094 +12.170 +12.248 +12.327 +12.409 +12.494 +12.580 +12.670 +12.761 +12.855 +12.952 +13.051 +13.154 +13.259 +13.368 +13.479 +13.594 +13.712 +13.834 +13.960 +14.090 +14.223 +14.361 +14.503
Sample_Size_AcrossTrack string 1 +22.596 +22.092 +21.611 +21.151 +20.712 +20.292 +19.891 +19.506 +19.137 +18.783 +18.443 +18.118 +17.804 +17.504 +17.214 +16.936 +16.668 +16.410 +16.161 +15.922 +15.691 +15.468 +15.254 +15.047 +14.847 +14.654 +14.467 +14.287 +14.114 +13.946 +13.783 +13.626 +13.475 +13.328 +13.186 +13.049 +12.917 +12.789 +12.665 +12.545 +12.429 +12.317 +12.209 +12.104 +12.003 +11.905 +11.811 +11.719 +11.631 +11.546 +11.463 +11.384 +11.307 +11.233 +11.162 +11.093 +11.027 +10.963 +10.902 +10.843 +10.786 +10.732 +10.680 +10.630 +10.582 +10.536 +10.492 +10.451 +10.411 +10.373 +10.337 +10.303 +10.271 +10.241 +10.213 +10.186 +10.161 +10.138 +10.117 +10.098 +10.080 +10.064 +10.049 +10.036 +10.025 +10.016 +10.008 +10.002 +9.998 +9.995 +9.994 +9.995 +9.997 +10.001 +10.006 +10.013 +10.022 +10.033 +10.045 +10.058 +10.074 +10.091 +10.110 +10.131 +10.153 +10.177 +10.203 +10.231 +10.261 +10.292 +10.325 +10.360 +10.398 +10.437 +10.478 +10.521 +10.566 +10.613 +10.662 +10.714 +10.767 +10.823 +10.881 +10.942 +11.005 +11.070 +11.138 +11.208 +11.281 +11.357 +11.435 +11.517 +11.601 +11.688 +11.778 +11.872 +11.968 +12.068 +12.172 +12.279 +12.389 +12.504 +12.622 +12.744 +12.871 +13.002 +13.137 +13.277 +13.422 +13.571 +13.726 +13.887 +14.052 +14.224 +14.402 +14.585 +14.776 +14.973 +15.177 +15.389 +15.608 +15.836 +16.072 +16.317 +16.571 +16.835 +17.109 +17.394 +17.690 +17.998 +18.319 +18.653 +19.001 +19.363 +19.742 +20.136 +20.548 +20.979 +21.430 +21.901 +22.395 +22.913
Sample_IncidenceAngles string 1 +50.402 +49.786 +49.172 +48.562 +47.955 +47.351 +46.749 +46.150 +45.554 +44.959 +44.367 +43.777 +43.189 +42.604 +42.020 +41.438 +40.857 +40.279 +39.702 +39.126 +38.552 +37.980 +37.409 +36.839 +36.271 +35.704 +35.138 +34.574 +34.010 +33.448 +32.886 +32.326 +31.767 +31.209 +30.651 +30.095 +29.539 +28.985 +28.431 +27.877 +27.325 +26.773 +26.223 +25.672 +25.123 +24.574 +24.026 +23.478 +22.931 +22.384 +21.838 +21.293 +20.748 +20.203 +19.659 +19.116 +18.573 +18.030 +17.488 +16.946 +16.404 +15.863 +15.322 +14.782 +14.242 +13.702 +13.162 +12.623 +12.084 +11.545 +11.006 +10.468 +9.930 +9.392 +8.854 +8.317 +7.780 +7.242 +6.705 +6.168 +5.632 +5.095 +4.558 +4.022 +3.485 +2.949 +2.413 +1.877 +1.340 +0.804 +0.268 -0.268 -0.804 -1.340 -1.877 -2.413 -2.949 -3.485 -4.022 -4.558 -5.095 -5.632 -6.168 -6.705 -7.242 -7.780 -8.317 -8.854 -9.392 -9.930 -10.468 -11.006 -11.545 -12.084 -12.623 -13.162 -13.702 -14.242 -14.782 -15.322 -15.863 -16.404 -16.946 -17.488 -18.030 -18.573 -19.116 -19.659 -20.203 -20.748 -21.293 -21.838 -22.384 -22.931 -23.478 -24.026 -24.574 -25.123 -25.672 -26.223 -26.773 -27.325 -27.877 -28.431 -28.985 -29.539 -30.095 -30.651 -31.209 -31.767 -32.326 -32.886 -33.448 -34.010 -34.574 -35.138 -35.704 -36.271 -36.839 -37.409 -37.980 -38.552 -39.126 -39.702 -40.279 -40.857 -41.438 -42.020 -42.604 -43.189 -43.777 -44.367 -44.959 -45.554 -46.150 -46.749 -47.351 -47.955 -48.562 -49.172 -49.786 -50.402
SAPHIR_QF_Scan_Definition string 1 16-bits_array(=0:good/=1:bad): #15:scan/row_quality_flag_validity #14:pass_type #13:Scanning_type #12:Scan/Row_error #11:datation_error #10:PRT_Error #9-8:Blank #7:CRC_Status #6:Blank #5-3:Payload_Mode #2-0:Satellite_Mode
SAPHIR_QF_Sample_Definition string 1 16-bits_array(=0:good/=1:bad): #15:TB_validity #14:sun_glint #13:land/sea_contamination #12:surface_type #11:On/Off_Channel #10:Level-0_Count_Saturated #9:Level-0_Count_poor_value #8:geolocation_estimation #7-6:calibration_flag #5:hot_count_error #4:cold_sky_count_error #3:interpolation_quality #2:Blank #1-0:Ice_flag
Skip_StartScanNumber string 1 NONE
Skip_EndScanNumber string 1 NONE
Flip_StartScanNumber string 1 NONE
Flip_EndScanNumber string 1 NONE
Maneuver_StartScanNumber string 1 NONE
Maneuver_EndScanNumber string 1 NONE
FirstScanNumber string 1 052393740
Time_Sample_Interval string 1 0.004576
Number_of_Samples string 1 182
Number_of_Scans string 1 4190
QF_Product_%Processed_Scans string 1 100.00
Level-0File_name string 1 SAP01BL1MT116628109015001033651384_00


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