Product Documentation

POLDER/PARASOL normalized radiance - Level-1

The parameters shown in table given below are given on a pixel basis at a spatial resolution close to 6 km x 6 km at nadir. These parameters are directional.

Version history:

L1_B Version v03.02: Released September 2015
L1_B-HDF5 Version 1.00: First release March 2016
L1_B-HDF5 Version 1.01: Released September 2016

File description: POLDER3_L1B-BG1-116198M_2010-01-01T13-03-40_V1-01.h5

Data_Directional_Fields/thetav dataset attributes

Dataset attribute DataType Dimensions Value
_FillValue int64 1 65535
missing_value int64 1 65534
scale_factor_err float64 1 0.0
add_offset float64 1 0.0
long_name string 1 view zenith angle of the pixel center for filter 670P2
units string 1 degrees
scale_factor float64 1 0.0015
add_offset_err float64 1 0.0
scaling_equation string 1 physical_value = scale_factor * SDS_count + add_offset
Num_Fill int64 1 323393296
Num_missing_value int64 1 0
Num_Valid int64 1 12529904
actual_range float64 2 [ 0. 70.1475]
DIMENSION_LABELS object 3 [row column view_direction]


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