
ICARE wrote several tutorials on common subjects of interest. They are all listed on this page. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support team.

Writing an HDF file with C, FORTRAN and Python

Language/Format: C,Fortran,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to write data in an HDF4 file
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal, Nicolas Thomas (ICARE )


Reading an HDF file with C, FORTRAN, Python, IDL, MATLAB and R

Language/Format: C,Fortran,IDL,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to read data in an HDF4 or HDF5 file
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)

MODIS geolocation

Description: In MODIS products, the geolocation datasets are not always given at the same resolution than the data fields. This page describes how the different resolutions are subsetted.
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)

Matlab compiler usage

Language/Format: MATLAB
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Descibes how to use the Matlab Compiler
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)
