Writing an HDF file with C, FORTRAN and Python
Language/Format: C,Fortran,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to write data in an HDF4 file
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal, Nicolas Thomas (ICARE )
ICARE wrote several tutorials on common subjects of interest. They are all listed on this page. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support team.
Language/Format: C,Fortran,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to write data in an HDF4 file
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal, Nicolas Thomas (ICARE )
Language/Format: C,Fortran,IDL,Python
Description: This page gives pieces of code to read data in an HDF4 or HDF5 file
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)
Description: In MODIS products, the geolocation datasets are not always given at the same resolution than the data fields. This page describes how the different resolutions are subsetted.
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)
Language/Format: MATLAB
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Descibes how to use the Matlab Compiler
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)