The “Satellite news” section features news related to a satellite mission.
Summary of Megha-Tropiques geolocation anomalies
For information, here is a summary of the dates for which there is a probability of Megha-Tropiques geolocation anomalies, not detectable via quality flags.MGT_Geolocation…update_2021_12.csv Method reminder :Based on the existence of peaks in the assimilation data from SAPHIR at Météo-France, statistical monitoring has been set up on the CNES side to determine dates with the […]
Megha-Tropiques (Saphir ScaRaB) mission status
The operating mandate of the Megha-Tropiques mission is coming to end this year. After a formal process, the CNES, based on the requests of scientists and weather agencies, decided to continue the operation of the mission for one year. The Indian space agency, ISRO, agrees to follow us and to provide the services that allow […]
CALIPSO mission suspended from 28 January to 14 March 2016
The CALIPSO mission was interrupted on 28 January, 2016 because of a GPS receiver issue. The payload went back to a nominal data acquisition state on 14 March 2016. Expedited data processing and standard processing resumed on that day along with data distribution at ICARE and NASA/LaRC. Unfortunately, data loss between 28 January and 14 […]
Missing Megha-Tropiques Level-1 data from 15 November to 7 December 2018
Because of some technical issues encountered to process the satellite data stream, Megha-Tropiques Level-1 data are unavailable from 2018-11-15 to 2018-12-07. It is very unlikely that these data will be recovered.
Missing Megha-Tropiques Level-1 data since 19 December 2018
Because of some technical issues, Megha-Tropiques Level-1 data are unavailable since 2018-12-19. ISRO is investigating the problem, but for the moment, there is no date for a resumption of data dissemination.
Megha-Tropiques on-board issue from 8 November 2018 to 21 March 2019
Date: 2019/06/04 Following an interruption of data production at the end of 2018, investigations on this issue ran from mid December 2018 to end February 2019. The issue is located in the satellite data handling sub system. Actually, the memory is sensitive to temperature, which causes corruptions in data and, therefore, prevents any operational production […]