

SSMIS tools: Useful Python software for reading SSMI binary files

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Henriot. Bruno Six (ICARE)

Feb / 27 / 2014

SSMI_TOOLS: Useful Python software for reading SSMI binary files

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
Author(s): Nicolas Henriot. Bruno Six (ICARE)

Feb / 26 / 2014

Hdf2img: Creation an image from a HDF4 SDS

Language/Sofware: Numpy, PIL, Python
Application type(s): Data Conversion, Visualization
Related project(s):
This application creates an image of a 2D HDF4 SDS. It supports different colormaps, min/max thresholding, scaling, fill value filtering…
Many output image formats are also supported.
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (ICARE)

Jul / 25 / 2012

ReadRawFile: Useful Python module for reading binary files in a generic way

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a generic reading Python module for all binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern.
Headers and record patterns are described in text files. Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays.
Author(s): Bruno SIX (ICARE)

Pyhdiff: Display the differences between two HDF4 files

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Analysis
Related project(s):
This tool compares the structure of two HDF4 files (and netcdf3 if the HDF4 library is compiled with the netcdf support enabled). Its shows difference of datasets and metadata (global and dataset ones). For different datasets, it displays some statistics on it (mean difference, standard deviation and min/max values)
Author(s): Nicolas Pascal (HYGEOS/ICARE)

Average Tool : Statistics of a list of HDF4 files

Language/Sofware: Numpy, Python
Application type(s): Analysis
Related project(s): MSG, PARASOL
This tool computes the average of multiple products and additional statistical indicators, e.g. standard deviation, maximum and minimum per pixel. The input and output files are in HDF format.
Author(s): Nicolas Thomas (ICARE)

Jul / 16 / 2012
